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STOP AND SEARCH for Banksy (Part 2.1): The Study of a Master

Through the Eyes of Banksy , Tanya Eddy (2024)     NOTE TO THE READER:  If you are just finding this artist series, “STOP AND SEARCH for Banksy,” then I encourage you to hop back to  Introducing the Character  (Part 1 of the series) and follow the posts chronologically, as you won’t want to miss any of the puzzle pieces. Before we begin: We left Banksy, in our last post, as he was headed for London.  This post, which I’m numbering as “Part 2.1,” is an extra bit, that I decided to go ahead and share.  Even though it is out of line in our sorting of the pieces, you will find some additional information, to hang onto for a later post.      A couple of months ago, when I started researching an infamous street artist named Banksy, I fully intended my findings to consume, only, a couple of blog posts.  This would allow my students the opportunity to learn about art history, in-the-making. Sometimes, things do not always go as we plan…     I became increasingly intrigued as I researched his p

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