
Showing posts from 2023

Art Movements in History: Art Nouveau

Draw With Me: Worried Gnome

Color and Movement According to Robert Delaunay

Sonia Delaunay—A Woman of Inspiration

Art Movements in History: Orphism

Paint With Me: Henri Fantin-Latour (Master Study)

Draw With Me: Mulan (Part 1)

Draw With Me: Guardians of the Galaxy | Gamora (Part 3)

Draw With Me: Guardians of the Galaxy | Gamora (Part 2)

Draw With Me: Guardians of the Galaxy | Gamora

Art Tutorial: Using a Grid for Contour Drawing

Art Tutorial: Getting Started in Digital Art | What is DPI and How to Open a Canvas

Art Tutorial: Digital Art Introduction

Our Demonstration YouTube Channel: FlyingDogStudio98

Do YOU Know…Josephine Nivison Hopper?